
Munich Cuisine and Sights

So I went on a trip to Munich recently and of course got opinions to share, I will start with Cuisine, go over sights and end on general positives and definitely one negative point about Munich. As always, names of places will be Google maps links for ease of saving destinations. Cuisine Heads up, if…

Basic Food Guide to Hong Kong

So you are looking for a few good spots to hit up while visiting Hongkong?, No worries, i got you covered, no matter if spicy, sweet, savory or extraordinarily classy. I don’t claim to have the most complete, diverse or crazy list, simply spots I really enjoyed and would recommend. No pics this time, cause…

HKU Finals and a look into the future

It is January now, finals are over, I have explored Hongkong to the fullest and started applying more and more for internships and moved to Bangkok for some quite and a room that’s actually liveable and not just a 5 sqm shoebox. This is one variable I am hesitant about moving back to Hongkong to…


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