Semester Abroad

HKU Finals and a look into the future

It is January now, finals are over, I have explored Hongkong to the fullest and started applying more and more for internships and moved to Bangkok for some quite and a room that’s actually liveable and not just a 5 sqm shoebox. This is one variable I am hesitant about moving back to Hongkong to…

Positives and Negatives of Hongkong

Positives and Negatives of Hongkong I came to think, I am now here for a bit more than 2 months, surely, I have enough experience now to throw together a Pro and Con list of the place. Some points will be a bit petty and some quite reasonable. Positives: Convenience: Alone the fact that stores…

Life as a student at HKU

All the other courses were chosen on a “ok yeah, better have to do something, at least this is easy”-basis, when I am not allowed to do more difficult courses, or other fun courses like not being admitted to a journalistic photography course. On the golden side of the coin, the courses that I have,…

Moving to Hongkong

So it has been nearly a week since I got out of 3+4 quarantine here in humid and sweaty Hongkong. I had time to adjust, to head out and explore, to get to know the first few new people on and off campus. Time to reflect a little. As this is the first of it`s…